One of the most significant challenges facing our industry is the increased demand on being able to deliver sustainable sources of energy as we transition to a lower carbon future.
- Sustainability
OEG Renewables is playing an important role in a more sustainable future. We have adapted our services over the years to help meet the challenges of a globally evolving landscape driven by the energy transition.
We are well placed to deliver the solutions of tomorrow by anticipating growth opportunities that enhance our clients’ businesses. We are driven by a commitment to help maintain a secure, affordable, and sustainable supply of global energy for our daily lives.

Building a more sustainable energy future
OEG's renewables division, we can offer full-cycle renewables services for the construction, operations and maintenance phases of offshore wind farms. We have also started to decarbonise our operating footprint, which has expanded significantly over the years through acquisition and international expansion.
Our progress
We recognise that to be truly sustainable, we must consider the impact our business is having on society and the planet, and we must also recognise the risks and opportunities impacting us and our long-term resilience.
We also recognise that climate change is a significant global environmental challenge. We take personal responsibility for reducing our own environmental impact and assisting our clients and the communities we engage with to reduce theirs.

Strategic framework
Commitments and targets help guide our efforts, hold us accountable to our goals and provide context to our performance.
We have developed five main focus areas that define our strategic framework.
They combine to deliver the objectives of OEG and that of our core customer base. Our plan is to continue to deliver against these five areas and share our continued progress along the way.
Energy transition: Delivering client solutions
We make a positive impact through investments in renewables, including solution to meet our customers' own sustainability objectives
Energy transition: OEG operations
we are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimize the impact of our activities on the environment
Health, Safety, Environment & Quality (HSEQ)
We act responsibly by protecting the health, safety & wellbeing of our employees as well as in meeting the highest standard of environmental stewardship.
Our People
We ensure our workforce has the skills and resources to safety execute their roles in high-regulated offshore energy sector.
Supply chain
We are committed to establishing more efficient, secure and sustainable supply chains while strictly adhering to the guiding principles outlined in our Code of Conduct.

Making it happen across our business
The key to embedding sustainability into our business is communication. By raising awareness and empowering our people, we can make a real difference.
We are also tapping into the passion and enthusiasm of our employee base and have sustainability champions across our business to help promote sustainability targets and actions across our operations. At OEG we strive to be at the forefront of driving change, making the biggest difference for our stakeholders and society.

Materiality assessment
Our sustainability strategy is guided by a materiality assessment to ensure we prioritise the risks and opportunities that are of greatest importance to our stakeholders, as well as those that could have a material impact on our business and the world around us.
This is something we continue to revisit each year to ensure we prioritise the risks and opportunities that are of greatest importance to our stakeholders and our industry.