Wind turbines

Case Study

Welfare provision for Hornsea One Offshore Wind Farm


In late 2019, OEG Renewables topside service line was asked to look at welfare provision for Hornsea One Offshore Wind Farm. The project work scope included the supply of welfare for the full five-year operation and maintenance (O&M) campaign. All units were required to be deployed via the O&M service vessel (SOV) rather than by conventional crew transfer vessel (CTV).

OEG Renewables studied the campaign schedule and advised on the total number of units needed and how best to manage clean-outs and replenishment. The units were assigned to both Orsted and Siemens service teams to transfer. As well as the welfare units, kit bags and equipment were transferred to the asset worked on each day.





North Sea - East Coast England

Hornsea Wind Farm multi units web

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