Wind turbines with sunset in background

Case Study

Installation of weather monitoring system on a floating offshore wind farm


OEG Renewables topside service line successfully completed the installation of a MetOcean weather monitoring system for a floating offshore wind farm located in Portugal.

The delivered system utilises MetOcean sensors, including Radac wave radar units and anemometers, to detect real-time sea state information and wind speed, direction and temperature data.



Floating offshore wind farm - Portugal

Gallery view


Installation of the MetOcean system on floating platforms presented a new challenge for the OEG Renewables team; the system was adapted to suit floating wind turbines, including a complete redesign to allow for the turbine movement.


Installation of a MetOcean weather monitoring system on a floating offshore wind farm to provide an accurate view of the weather conditions offshore at any given time.


The delivered system utilises MetOcean sensors, including Radac wave radar units, to detect real-time sea state information including wave direction, height, period and tide; the radar units can be integrated with anemometers to provide wind speed, direction and temperature data, giving an all-encompassing view of the weather conditions offshore at any given time. Data collected by the sensors will be displayed on OEG Renewables' own software dashboard, with a bespoke data package designed to meet the specifications of the client.

Installation of the MetOcean system on floating platforms presented a new challenge for the OEG Renewables team; the system was adapted to suit floating wind turbines, including a complete redesign to allow for the turbine movement. New MetOcean software was written to compensate for the movement of the turbines and was integrated within the clients' existing azure platform, giving staff access to MetOcean data wherever they are in the world.


We are delighted to have been offered the opportunity to work on our first floating wind project, installing a weather monitoring system we’re very proud of.

- Clive Cushion
Technical Director at FernCom, an OEG Renewables company